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    Accounting Services

    What is a confirmation statement?

    A confirmation statement is a filing that every company must submit to Companies House at least once every 12 months. It allows companies to report changes and confirm a number of different aspects about the company, including the SIC codes, share capital, shareholders, and the trading status of the company’s shares.

    Additionally, it also confirms that all other information the company has reported at Companies House (for example, director and People with Significant Control details) is up to date and correct.

    How often do I need to file a confirmation statement?

    Every company needs to file a confirmation statement at least once a year. A company can file as many confirmation statements as it wants during this period, but to fulfil its obligations a minimum of one needs to be delivered to Companies House every 12 months.

    Failure to do so may lead to the company being struck off and the director(s) liable to prosecution.

    Our Services Include

    • Preparation & Filing
      We handle the preparation and submission of your Confirmation Statement, ensuring all company details are up to date.
    • Company Records Review
      We review your company’s records, including shareholders, SIC codes, and officers, to ensure full compliance.
    • Deadline Management
      Never miss a deadline—our team keeps track of your filing dates and ensures timely submissions.